Avinash Prabhakaran

Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer

About Me Portfolio

About Me

Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer holding a Masters degree in Data Science from the University of British Columbia. Experience in building distributed data analysis pipelines using Spark, and solving data science problems involving time series forecasting, anomaly detection and predictive maintenance. Have interpersonal skills to engage a non-technical audience. Possess leadership qualities, organizational skills and loves challenging opportunities that offer new perspectives and collaborative experience Read More


Languages I commonly use. Some of the other languages I have prior experience working with include C++, C, Matlab, PHP, Java, etc.


Languages and libraries I use for web development. Some of the other languages and libraries I use include CSS, jquery, MySQL, etc.


Tools I commonly use. Some of the other tools and libraries that I have worked with include JIRA, GitHub, Codecov, etc.


Shiny Application

Visualize Crimes in US Counties

  • R
  • Shiny
  • Dashboard
  • Visualization

Purpose: Dwayne Johnson is planning to run for the next presidential election in 2020 and has identified reducing the number of violent crimes as one of the items he wants to use to connect more with people. So, he wants to start analyzing the crimes committed across the United States and also wants to have a more detailed understanding of the crimes within these jurisdictions.

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Data Science Language Analysis

  • R
  • Experimental Analysis

It is common to hear from people working with data that they have a clear choice between R and Python. We were curious to know if there could be a specific reason underlying such choice. After some brainstorming, we came up with the hypothesis that a person’s choice between R and Python might be due to their preference in a specific data science task such as data visualization, data wrangling and machine learning. We have set the goal to explore such causal relationship (if there exists one) with data in our data analysis project.

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Data Science Language
Data Science Language

Data Science Language Analysis

  • R
  • Experimental Analysis

It is common to hear from people working with data that they have a clear choice between R and Python. We were curious to know if there could be a specific reason underlying such choice. After some brainstorming, we came up with the hypothesis that a person’s choice between R and Python might be due to their preference in a specific data science task such as data visualization, data wrangling and machine learning. We have set the goal to explore such causal relationship (if there exists one) with data in our data analysis project.

GitHub Repo


R Package for GitHub API

  • R
  • API
  • Package

gitBusy is a user-friendly and intuitive API wrapper for Github. The package allows users to efficiently retrieve information on organizations, users, and repositories from the Github website. This project is part of the DSCI 525 Web and Cloud Computing Course for the Masters of Data Science program at The University of British Columbia.

GitHub Repo

Data Pipeline to Predict User Income

  • Python
  • R
  • Docker
  • Packrat

The project aims to classify people into two groups, i.e. who earn more than $50,000 and less than $50,000. People are classified based on features such as age, workclass, education, marital-status, occupation, race, sex, hours-per-week and native-country.

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Predict User Income
Predict User Income

Data Pipeline to Predict User Income

  • Python
  • R
  • Docker
  • Packrat

The project aims to classify people into two groups, i.e. who earn more than $50,000 and less than $50,000. People are classified based on features such as age, workclass, education, marital-status, occupation, race, sex, hours-per-week and native-country.

GitHub Repo

Autonomous Car

Virtual Self Driving Car

  • Python
  • Image Processing
  • CNN

Though driving is fun, doesnt all love to sit back and hand over the steering to safe hands? It is unlikely to get better than have a system that continually updates and improvises itself to achieve perfection and do the driving for you.

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Data Visualization With Seaborn

  • Python
  • Seaborn
  • Matplotlib
  • Visualization

Seaborn is a high-level Python data visualization library used for making attractive and informative statistical plots. It acts as a wrapper over matplotlib, and it’s used in conjunction with NumPy and pandas data structures.

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Data Visualization With Seaborn

  • Python
  • Seaborn
  • Matplotlib
  • Visualization

Seaborn is a high-level Python data visualization library used for making attractive and informative statistical plots. It acts as a wrapper over matplotlib, and it’s used in conjunction with NumPy and pandas data structures.

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Powering AI to Play Doom

  • Python
  • Image Processing
  • CNN

As a kid, this is a game I really enjoyed playing though my mom used to go wild as all she saw was the constantly firing barrel on the computer screen. Here AI is used to train the model to beat the game!

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  • Web Development
  • PHP
  • Bootstrap

Developed a responsive website using Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. For the back-end, PHP is used to interface with the MySQL database. The website gives a glimpse into the works of PK Balakrishnan, a well-known author and journalist of Kerala.

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  • Web Development
  • PHP
  • Bootstrap

Developed a responsive website using Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. For the back-end, PHP is used to interface with the MySQL database. The website gives a glimpse into the works of PK Balakrishnan, a well-known author and journalist of Kerala.

GitHub Repo

Wall Climbing Robot

Gesture Controlled Wall Climbing Robot

  • Robotics
  • C++
  • Arduino
  • Undergrad Project

The robot was built using custom hardware with Arduino programmed by C++ used as its brain. The robot is maneuvered using Gesture control. It finds applications in high-rise buildings, hazardous industrial environments and the like for reconnaissance, surveillance, etc.

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  • Robotics
  • Presentation
  • Concept

‘Claytronics’ is a concept of the future which aims to break the barrier in transferring and transforming tangible 3D objects. The concept is to make an object to be composed of millions of programmed nanoscale robots and to move them relative to each other in a controlled, coordinated manner to change shape and other properties of the body. Claytronics has the potential to greatly affect many areas of daily life, such as telecommunication, human-computer interface, entertainment, etc.

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  • Robotics
  • Presentation
  • Concept

‘Claytronics’ is a concept of the future which aims to break the barrier in transferring and transforming tangible 3D objects. The concept is to make an object to be composed of millions of programmed nanoscale robots and to move them relative to each other in a controlled, coordinated manner to change shape and other properties of the body. Claytronics has the potential to greatly affect many areas of daily life, such as telecommunication, human-computer interface, entertainment, etc.

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